
Our Philosophy

At Find Us Outside, we strongly believe the best educational practices for children are those that are initiated by the child’s natural curiosity.

We believe that children, especially those between the ages 3 and 7, learn best through direct experiences with the natural world. Our programs tap into a child’s sense of wonder.  Children flourish when free to make observations about the natural world, uninhibited by walls, desks or the need for an indoor voice. When engaged in free play outdoors, children explore, investigate and have opportunities to try and fail, then reconsider their options and try again. These experiences build confidence and resilience, instill pride and empathy, create self awareness, engage the imagination, teach responsibility and cooperation, stimulate the senses while simultaneously providing exercise, increasing coordination, reducing stress and so much more.

We promote individual empowerment and group bonding. We teach respect for all living beings and how to minimize our impact on the earth. Our lesson plans flow organically from what nature presents us with each day. By following the child’s interests, educators spontaneously create a valuable learning experience based on what the children discover.

We are a STREAM program. Click to learn more.

Did You Know?

Free Play in Nature …

Develops executive function skills
Builds creative thinking
Teaches problem solving
Improves mathematical skills
Improves powers of observation and assessment of risk.
Develops social skills
Builds the ability to identify and understand social cues
Instills empathy
Increases Vitamin D intake
Improves the ability to self regulate
Builds physical strength
Improves coordination
Improves fine and gross motor skills
Increases flexibility
Improves sensory systems in the body; visual, tactile, vestibular, proprioceptive, etc.
Builds stronger immune systems
Encourages creativity
Improves mood
Reduces stress
Builds resilience
Increases attention span
Improves concentration and focus
Induces better sleep
Reduces risk for obesity
Builds self confidence
Develops leadership skills
Teaches responsibility
Develops a respect and love of nature and the environment


The Decline of Play and the Rise of Psychopathology in Children and Adolescents
Summertime, Playtime
Kids do not spend nearly enough time outside. Here’s how (and why) change that.
The Benefits of Outside Free Play
Why Kids Need to Spend Time in Nature
5 Really Good Reasons Why Kids Need Time in Nature

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